What does the therapeutic process look like?

In your work with Tammy, you will concentrate on the behavioral responses to emotional distress and physical symptoms, a reciprocal relationship that complicates recovery in different stages of medical interventions. Tammy facilitates services intermittently when patients require them. As a behavioral health care provider, Tammy will participate in your well-being. Your work with her will complement efforts through your medical treatments.

How long will it take?

As a patient, you are entitled to assistance in the shortest time possible with the least intrusive interventions. 

What other benefits are there to treatment?

We will be addressing goals related to healthier behavior choices as well as reducing the frequency at which you are in the hospital. Goals will include the interlacing of behavioral health care with standard medical care to lessen the likelihood of the professionals who work with you missing the full range of symptoms and delivering services at the expense of successful outcomes.

(720) 772-8022

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